We Do It All!
Not only do we have a full warehouse of supplies, we also offer swimming pool & spa service, as well as equipment repairs and installation.
Servicing your pool means that we have trained and qualified technicians that come to your home for weekly pool & spa cleaning and maintenance. We will also make sure your pool equipment is properly maintained throughout the year, which will help it last longer.
Having issues with your pool or spa equipment? Our technicians can come to your home, diagnose the problem, and fix it there! If new equipment is needed, they can make recommendations and figure out the best solution for you and your pool or spa. Want to come to our store to get something repaired? We have in-house technicians that can help!
For those of you that choose to service your own pool or spa, we offer free water testing in-store, and can help you find the products that you need based on the results. We also sell water test kits if you want to test your own water at home.